The life of Logan H. James is the first documentary in the BEHIND THE GRIND series that focuses on creating videos to showcase entrepreneurs and artists in the community. The ultimate goal of the series is to bring the spotlight to individuals who you are changing the world. By helping bring the spotlight to their stories, we hope to bring more awareness to their story and the difference they are making in this world.
I have learned some valuable lessons from filming the video. Here are the five lessons that I learned from making the Life of Logan H. James video:
You don’t have to create the perfect product on the first day
A lot of us are waiting until we create the perfect product to show it to the world. This is the wrong way to go. I did not wait until I have the best equipment to start filming. I took my camera, met with Logan and film it. In fact, I was really hard on myself because I could see all of the things that were not perfect when I made the video, but guess what? the world will only enjoy your product for a brief moment. They have so many other worries on their mind and won’t see the imperfections. We made a lot of mistake along the way, but the lessons I learned from making the video surpasses anything I would have learned from a school or waiting until the perfect time to start.
Break the rules. Find your own path
Pablo Picasso once said: “Break the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.” One of the valuable lesson I learned from making the video is how it is okay to break the rules to create something unique. In the video, I’ve decided to not block some of the words in the freestyle part of the video. I wanted to create something that’s raw and unique. And that’s what we did when we break the rules.
Start now. Don’t wait to start filming
Don’t wait to start following your passion or filming. Some people waits their whole life and never take the risk to follow their passion. I’m not saying that you should quit your job without a plan. All I’m saying is to do the small thing that will lead to your freedom. It won’t be easy but it’s possible.
Be patient with yourself
Sometimes working on a project might not seem like it’s producing any results at the beginning. Be patient. Don’t be hard on yourself and keep grinding. It’s important to keep improving and keep making your product better than it was before. Use analytics and data to learn and improve your product. Get honest feedback from customers. No matter what you do, don’t stop improving your product and learn from your mistakes to make it better.
Celebrate the small steps
Celebrate the small steps. This is very important. We often focus on the big goal and forget the small things that we accomplish along the way leading to the big goal.
Tell us what are the lessons you’ve also learned from working on your dream.
Great article!!